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2024上海外國語大學移地學習-徵求帶隊老師1-2位 1 -2 escort teachers wanted

發布日期 2024-10-16 19:45:00




1-2 escort teachers wanted

(Apply by October 27th, Sun.)


一、活動時間Time:2024年11月18日至12月1日(為期兩周) November 18th to December 1st, 2024 (Two weeks)


二、活動地點Venue:上海外國語大學 Shanghai International Studies University


三、主辦單位Host:上海外國語大學Shanghai International Studies University



  1. 本校專任教師(含專案)。
  2. 本校國際合作交流教師(系/所/院)為優先考量。
  3. 語言科系(英、法、德、西、日、應華系)教師為優先考量。

















承辦人:國合處 國際交流組 李少涵 Ext.2613




1. Wenzao Full-time teachers (Contract teachers included)

2. (department/ graduate school/ college) International coordinators preferred

3. Teachers from language departments (English, French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Applied Chinese) preferred


Program Offer

Return Flight ticket (group ticket – no individual itinerary), accommodation, meals (Costs to be confirmed), day trips, insurance


To apply

Application form should be downloaded here, fulfilled and submitted to the Office of International and Cross-strait Cooperation at: oc2003@mail.wzu.edu.tw by October 27th , 2024.



1. The escort teachers should ensure the attendance of the 20 students. The study program is considered as school class. Students should attend all the lessons and activities.

2. The escort teachers should attend pre-departure briefing and submit report upon returning.

3. The escort teachers should assist students’affair on-site during the program time.

4. The escort teachers should collect students’attendance and reports and submit to OICC office upon returning.



1. There will be no separate arrangement for the escort teachers during the program time. The escort teachers must be able to adjust according to the on-site situation.

2. Airport pick-up and shuttle bus service will be provided by the host university. The escort teachers must accompany the group at all times.

3. Upon approval, the escort teachers can ask for business leave and arrange classes accordingly.

Contact: Zoe Li (#2613), Section of International Exchange, OICC